McKinley High School GEER Final Report

Project with Small Business of Non-Profit in the Community
September 30, 2022
Name of School: President William McKinley High School     Principal’s Name: Ron Okamura
Name of Person Completing the Report:
Edison Chong  Job Title: 
HA Coordinator
Name of your project: Tiger Closet Name(s) of your partner(s):  

NOTE:  This is not a directly funded GEER Project.  There is a culture of service learning at the school where clubs, student government, classes, and teams plan and complete projects that help the neighboring community.  This is an outstanding exemplary project that we are sharing that was planned and implemented by leadership students and students participating in the Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders Program.

Briefly describe the major project (one paragraph):
Calling all McKinley High School Alumni, Friends, and Families!!

Happy Homecoming Week!

We would first like to say that we are so glad you are a part of the McKinley Ohana!

We have an a-ROAR-able item about to debut that we know you will love!

At McKinley HS, 67% of our student body comes from financially needy families. We have students that struggle to come to school because they don’t have clothes or shoes that are considered in “good condition”. Through leadership and the Non-Profit Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders, a group of students created the Tiger Closet for this sole purpose. Tiger Closet is a store on campus where students can get new shoes, shirts, pants, accessories, hygiene, and school supplies. They can purchase these items with a Tiger Bucks system that they receive with good attendance. So far, we have gotten donations of various items from Vans, Target, A-Line Hawaii, Uniqulo and Aloha Masks. These donations have helped us tremendously, but we are looking to take things to the next level; and this is where your contribution comes in!

In collaboration with Eden in Love, a local boutique (literally right down the street from us), we created this tote just for you, or your besties, or family both near and far! Each bag will be sold at $20. Purchase 6 or more and pay just $16 per bag! What a deal! All funds raised through this sale will go to purchasing items to help students to be successful in school and life.

How awesome, right?! So how do you get your hands on these? Please use the order form to place an order. A sample of this bag is on display in the Main Office.

With a heart of gratitude, we say thank YOU!
 McKinley High School Tiger Closet
List at least three things that went well:
List two or three challenges:

What was a lesson(s) learned?  (one paragraph)


Students Enrolled in GEER Sponsored Early College Courses: No


Additional Comments:  (Optional)