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Hawai'i Academies
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Member Schools
`Aiea High School
Henry Perrine Baldwin High School
James Campbell High School
James B. Castle High School
Governor Wallace Rider Farrington High School
Hilo High School
Honoka`a High School
Ka`u High and Pahala Elementary School
Kailua High School
Kaimuki High School
Kalaheo High School
Kapa`a High School
Kapolei High School
Kaua`i High School
Kea`au High School
Kealakehe High School
Kohala High School
Maui High School
President William McKinley High School
Molokai High School
Nanakuli High and Intermediate School
Pahoa High and Intermediate School
Pearl City High School
Waiakea High School
Wai`anae High School
Waimea High School
Waipahu High School
Curriculum Overview
School Learning Community Structures and Programs of Study
Programs of Study Learning Community Adoption
Career and Technical Education Pathway Learning Community Adoptions
Programs of Study Courses
School Program Area Courses
Course Learning Communities
School Courses
Hawai`i Academies Initiatives
School Improvements
School Programs
Student Programs
Governor's Emergency Education Relief Project
Organizational Groups and Certifications
Hawai`i Academies School Complexes
Hawai`i Academies Learning Communities
National Career Academy Coalition Certifications
School Certifications Overview
Student Industry Certifications
Student CTE Certifications
Student Personal Certifications
Implementation Resources
District Complexes
District School Websites
Learning Community Structures and Programs of Study
Hawai`i Academies Learning Communities
School Learning Community Programs of Study
Learning Community Structures and Programs of Study
Learning Community Programs of Study
SY 2021 - 2022
Pearl City High School
Learning Community Structures
`Aiea High School
Baldwin High School
Campbell High School
Castle High School
Farrington High School
Hilo High School
Honoka`a High and Intermediate School
Ka`u High and Pahala Elementary School
Kailua High School
Kaimuki High School
Kalaheo High School
Kapa`a High School
Kapolei High School
Kaua`i High School
Kea`au High School
Kealakehe High School
Kohala High School
Maui High School
McKinley High School
Molokai High School
Nanaluli High and Intermediate School
Pearl City High School
Waiakea High School
Wai`anae High School
Waimea High School
Waipahu High School
Staff Directory