Kaua`i High School School Improvement Status
Summary of Progress
Kaua‘i High School (KHS) continued to work towards ensuring each student had a post-secondary plan focused on career, college, and/or military. SY 2022-23 marked our transition to a wall to wall Academy school. The school continued to work on looking at student growth through our culture of collaboration. In our collaborative focus we have developed three different professional learning communities: academy teams, content teams and student support teams. We also worked on refining our Freshman Academy and designing our two Upper Academies: Academy of Human Services and Academy of Innovation & Design.
Academy School Design: Provide foundational and extended college and career opportunities in the high school setting. The integration of academics, social emotional learning and behavioral support is our major focus. Professional Learning Communities agreed upon consistent academy expectations as well as core teaching strategies. Utilize a student support system in determining support for students struggling in attendance, grades, emotional and behavior. Begin creating increased career and college planning and opportunities to align to student aptitude, interests and goals.
Content Specific Review: Provide consistent and rigorous instruction for course-like classes. Professional Learning Communities begin working on the collective purpose for each content area through the lens of curriculum, instruction and assessment. Begin the collaborative work on interdisciplinary learning, student outcomes and standard based grading.
With the second year of transitioning back to in person learning, this year the challenges have been the following: 1) Social emotional learning, 2) instructional student support and 3) attendance. The school has been reviewing and redesigning all three areas of need by moving forward to developing a comprehensive social emotional learning plan to include mental health concerns and the impact of social media on students.
* Suspension severity represents percentage of suspensions. |