Hawai`i Academies Schools
The Hawai`i State Department of Education is a statewide school system comprised of schools governed by a single Board of Education and charter schools governed by boards of education elected by members of their own school communities.
The Hawai`i Academies (HA) is an organization of non-charter public schools that are organized wholly or in part into smaller learning communities (SLC). While most of these schools have SLC's that are structured into 9th grade academies and into career and technical focused academies, there are others that have different organizational structures.
HA schools are located on all major Hawaiian islands and may be found in urban, suburban, and rural settings. They also range from the smallest to the largest schools with respect to student populations and may be hybrid schools consisting of elementary, middle, and high school grade levels or different combinations of them.
HA school operations, student groups, curriculum, instruction and educational practices are for the most part organized around their academies. Currently, HA has schools that are wholly organized structurally and operationally into academies, and others that are in different stages of transition into SLC's either or both structurally and operationally.
This section provides a description of the school's organizational and operational characteristics that impact student performance. It also provides annual performance data in the form of standardized test scores and other performance metrics.